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Support your Local Library: A Tale of Hockley

Local residents empty the shelves at Hockley Library in a campaign to help secure its future

Around 900 local residents came to show their support for a campaign to save Hockley library on Saturday 12 January 2019. 

Around 900 people took part in ‘The BIG Hockley Library Raid’ in a bid to completely empty the library to raise awareness of a consultation that could put the future of the library in jeopardy.

Around 4000 local residents have already signed a petition to join the plight.

Megan Hemmings, a local parent who is heading up the campaign with another parent Carla Vaughan said, “Libraries are more than just buildings with books, they are a vital backbone of the local community.  They support people to connect, learn and come together.  Whether it’s knitting and nattering or meeting new local parents for rhyme time, local libraries provide a community hub.” You often hear councils talk about reducing isolation and tackling inequalities but surely this is a move in the wrong direction.”

“Councillor John Spence, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care for Essex County Council is a key partner in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2021 which sets out a vision to enable resilience for communities – it talks about the importance of co-production and not letting silo-ed thinking getting in the way of delivering outcomes that matter to individuals, families and communities.   I really hope that our event has shown Councillors and others how valued Hockley library is.    The longer term impacts could end up being a lot more expensive with increased social isolation and even greater demand for health and social care services.

To join the campaign please contact 07834453470 and visit the Facebook page ‘Hockley and Hawkwell people’ for more information.

Megan & Carla