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Get winter ready!

The following was an advice sheet sent out by the Council in Winter 2014

Rochford District Council is advising people to get ready for the winter weather by taking some simple precautions.

The top tips are to make sure your vehicle is ready for bad weather, carry a Winter Kit and brush up on how to drive in ice and snow.

It’s also a good idea to check the weather forecast  before you set out and be prepared to change your travel arrangements, for details see

A complete list of advice is provided by the Highways Agency at and is worth checking out.

The key tips for driving in ice and snow are:

Whatever the severe weather always adjust your driving according to the conditions. Make sure you can see clearly and that you can be seen. Use at least dipped headlights in

poor visibility – and don’t just rely on daytime running lights if you have them.

Clear all windows, lights and number plates, so you can see and be seen. Clear snow off the roof and bonnet too before you drive away.

Watch out for icy conditions - look for clues such as ice on the pavement or windscreen and take extra care. Accelerate and brake gently to avoid skidding.

 If you use a higher gear than normal it helps when driving on a slippery surface. Move off gently and avoid spinning the wheels.

 Leave extra space between you and other vehicles. Take even more care looking out for others that may not be able to stop and be extra cautious at road junctions where road markings may not be visible.

Look out for gritters and snowploughs. They have flashing amber beacons and travel at slower speeds – around 40mph. Stay well back because salt or spray can be thrown across the road.

Don’t overtake unless it is safe to do so – there may be un-cleared snow on the road ahead.

Your Winter Kit when setting out in the car in snow/ice:

Ice scraper and de-icer

Warm clothes and blankets for you and your car passengers

Torch and spare batteries or wind-up torch


First aid kit

Jump leads


Road atlas

Sunglasses (low winter sun can dazzle)

Mobile phone (fully-charged)

Food and a flask with a hot drink

Any medication you or your passengers need to take regularly

It’s also worth giving your vehicle a service to ensure it is ready for Wintry conditions.

Plus, it’s more important than ever to check:

Rochford District Council’s Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Councillor Keith Gordon, said: “As the weather is getting colder it is always best to be prepared. I’d advise motorists to brush up on how to drive in icy conditions and make sure you have a decent Winter Kit so you’re ready for every eventuality. It really could save your life.”