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In years gone by we have covered all of the artists and all of the venues. However, with the brilliant expansion of the Festival we decided to simply do a brief coverage of the Roche Art Exhibition in the WI Hall and whet your appetite with one of two other offerings to watch out for around town.

Before the crowds arrived we had a preview of some of the boards on display. What struck us was the tremendous variety of the subject matter chosen by artists and so below are a brief selection of randomly chosen works that illustrate this diversity.   

For further information on Roche Art Group, please


   And while you are out and about, where might you find the following works on the Trail?


…and remember, there is lots, lots more out there. All you have to do is go looking for it.

If you need to see the lists of artists and the venues where you will find their work, please CLICK HERE

Disclaimer: As we have often said in the past, what we present here are simply partial examples of what you can find on display. Because reflection or angles are often such a problem we cut out frames etc. Our apologies to artists if what is here does not live up to your end product. As we have already said, we think these works of art are excellent and you if you want to see the genuine article, folks, get out there and see.