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The District Council often produce wise counsel and here is one of their press releases to do with wise winter energy saving

Save energy this winter, and go green!

(Nov. 2015)

Now that the cold winter days are setting in, residents are reminded that it is possible to save energy but still stay warm this winter.

Avoid wasting energy

Simple things such as switching off an unused appliance, closing curtains to avoid heat loss through the windows, and turning off lights in unused rooms, will avoid lots of wasted energy and save you money.

‘Eco’ your day

Switch washing machines and dishwashers to their ‘eco’ setting and wait until they are full before using them, only boil as much water as you need, and use energy saving light bulbs to cut the cost of everyday activities without giving them up entirely.

Rochford District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, Cllr Jo McPherson said: “Keeping ourselves warm over the next few months is something most of us take for granted but as fuels consumption increases as do the bills that accompany them.

“Being careful with money is something we all try to do, so these simple tips are useful for gaining much-needed additional help with bills, as well as reducing expenditure without making too much sacrifice. In addition, the suggestions help us to be kinder to the environment by reducing our use of energy.”

More information about preparing for winter is available at and