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We have always been keep to observe the things that go on in the local community, many of which most of us are unaware, and so when we were asked to advertise a charity fashion show we requested that we tag along during the day to see how it came about. This was a Fashion Show to support the charity (See interview we carried out in February 2013)

So here is the LOSS Charity Fashion Show that happened on 29th September 2014

This is Esther Taylor, behind the scenes administrator / fund raiser of LOSS, and her husband Will. He doesn’t feature much in this as he is the hands-on worker of LOSS who spends much of his day with young people, individuals and groups, often in schools, mentoring and providing training.

The setting up of today is down to Esther so we will follow her after she has picked up a demountable stage/catwalk that Stambridge Primary School have kindly loaned them for the occasion.  She starts out as soon as her children are dropped off.  

With a small group of helpers, this beautiful auditorium of Hawkwell Baptist Church has to be rearranged….

…. so that the catwalk can be constructed for the models for tonight’s showing….

…. while church worker, Matt,  lends a hand to set up the lighting for the event….

…. until eventually all is ready for tonight. It is midmorning and the setup team can rest up….

…. until 5.30pm when the team from Travelling Trends arrives to unload their rails of clothes….

…. starting to fill up a back hall with rail upon rail of the clothes used for the Show and for sale….

…. clothes….  and more clothes…. and even more clothes….

…. Half an hour to go and only one person is seated. Will the room fill up for the Show?

…. time passes…. now there are four…

…. It’s getting near 7.30 and the numbers have filled up… Relief!

…. 7.30 and Will welcomes people, explains about LOSS and thanks the helpers….

…. Elaine explains how the clothes can be so cheap, and then the Show is under way…

…. As each model comes on she describes all the clothes and how much they will cost…

…. There are four ‘guest models’ (volunteers) and one with the ‘Travelling’ team…

….and so the Show progresses for the next hour (we stopped snapping to avoid distraction)…

….until (we are told) the Show comes to an end and the audience go backstage to try on (and presumably) buy clothes …

….in the hour or so while the ladies try on clothes, a small team reinstates the auditorium…

….so by 9.45pm helpers are able to reload the vehicle to return the staging for next morning. End of a long but good day.


   LOSS have asked us to convey their thanks to:

Travelling Trends

01737 217220

Thinking about raising funds for a school or charity?

Travelling Trends fashion shows are easy to organise with just a minimum of 40 tickets to be sold.

The ladies are able to buy the clothes on the night at 30%-60% off the High Street prices, sometimes 80% off.

Travelling Trends has an all female professional team and have been running for 17 years.

Money is raised from ticket sales, holding a raffle, selling refreshments & commission if a certain audience is achieved.

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