Answers from above
Colons & Commas:
There were many athletes at the games: runners, jumper, shot-
He is just like people say he is: an idiot and a bore.
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Word Play: Some more C
We continue our ‘Word Play’ pages with more of the letter ‘C’
Tricky spellings
Capricious – watch for the ‘c’ alone -
Caricature – say it slowly with a ‘cat’ in the middle -
Caustic – ‘au’ sound like ‘o’ as in off -
Cede – a sneaky but simple word sounding like seed -
Understanding Conjunctions
A conjunction is a word that joins parts of a sentence
Some Examples:
And -
But -
Or -
Nor -
[Note pairs: neither -
Yet -
Others commonly used: because whereas even though than that
Playing with Colons
A colon is like this -
A colon anticipates an explanation, list or general amplification that follows on, e.g.
His course of action was clearly laid down: he should leave the building immediately.
To travel abroad you need the following things: a passport, travel insurance and perhaps a visa
Exercise: Insert the colons and commas in the correct position in the following sentences:
There were many athletes at the games runners jumper shot-
He is just like people say he is an idiot and a bore.
A semi-
She sent an e-
Shan was told that for her degree she would need to get good A-
‘C’s and ‘K’s and ‘S’s
Be aware both c and k can sound hard, for example at the beginning of words
carrot cauliflower cactus canoe cage cake candle cap car
kangaroo key kettle kid king kite kitten
‘C’ at the beginning also goes soft like an ‘s’ with some words -
cell celery centipede circle cylinder city circus cymbals
‘S’ in its usual form goes soft with a sss sound -
sad sack sale sail sand salad saw sea season
But then ‘s’ and ‘c’ can go together to form a soft sss with the ‘c’ appearing silent, e.g.
Scene science scenic scent
Later in words ‘c’ can be hard -
actor victim direct mica scat bacon public cactus inflict pecan
But sometimes it will be doubled up for strength -
stucco hiccup tobacco buccaneer occupy succulent
However if a ‘c’ would be followed by an ‘e’ or an ‘i’ or a ‘y’ it is replaced by a ‘k’ -
Make poker kind risky skin token skill keep liking
Similarly if there was to be a ‘cc’ followed by an ‘e’ or an ‘i’ or a ‘y’ it is replaced by ‘ck’ -
lucky picking rocking ducking picnicking stocking
Correcting Confused uses of words
Cannon & canon -
Canvas & canvass -
Capital & corporal (punishment) -
Complement & compliment -
We hope these things on this and every page will enable you to look on words with fresh or new eyes and understanding