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Local Government
Rochford District Council
News Bulletin  Page
4 November 2011
You are the best in England

Residents in the Rochford District are the best in England when it comes to recycling. That’s the verdict of the Government department who monitors waste and recycling figures.

Statistics released by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on Thursday (November 3) placed Rochford at the top of the league with a recycling rate of 65.79 per cent out of more than 300 local authorities across England.

It means that residents across the Rochford District recycle more materials than anywhere else in England, and are the best at ensuring as little goes to landfill as possible, meaning a greener future for all.

Since 2008, Rochford has gone from being one of the lowest performing local authorities in the country on recycling, with a rate of under 20 per cent, to the best, and it’s all because of the commitment shown by residents to recycling as much as possible.

Rochford District Council’s Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Councillor Mike Steptoe, said: ”We’ve always known that residents in the Rochford District go the extra mile and work hard to ensure that they recycle as many materials as possible.Now it’s official, not only are they once again the best in the county and the best in the East of England, but also the best in England when it comes to recycling rates.I’d like to thank the Recycling Team at the Council who work hard to ensure the scheme works smoothly as well as our contractors SITA UK who collect the waste and UPM who process the materials at their facility.But my biggest thanks and most praise must go to all the residents in the District who do so much every week to ensure they recycle as much as possible.”

The General Manager of SITA UK, Steve Holgate, added: “We are extremely proud of both the residents of Rochford District and the staff at SITA UK who have put in a great deal of effort to achieve this fantastic record of having the highest recycling rate in the country. We believe this has been done by working closely with Rochford District Council and collecting recyclable and compostable items on alternate weeks from residents including tins and cans, plastic, newspapers, glass jars as well as all types of food and garden waste.”

UPM’s National Sourcing Manager, Robbie Warden, added: “UPM is delighted to learn that our recycling partner Rochford has been ranked so highly by DEFRA. We are committed to high quality recycling throughout the supply chain. Rochford District Council has been exemplary in their efforts to provide us with the highest quality of materials.”