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Three ‘Eighties’ Celebration  (17th June 2012)

Celebrating ‘Big-0’ birthdays is especially good when the ‘0’ is a celebration of EIGHTY years but when there are three of them, that’s even better! And when you’ve family and friends around you to help celebrate it, it gets better still!
At a celebration buffet lunch laid on by eighty-year-old Liz Oxlade, together with Tim and Julie Tyler who have also just arrived at the big 8-0, they were joined by Liz’s daughter and two grandchildren (left) and the congregation of Ashingdon United Free Church for this memorable occasion.
Liz, Tim & Julie who, we are led to believe are now all eighty, although they neither look it nor sound it! Congratulations to you all!
Three eightieth birthday cakes were presented and then shared and waistlines were increased!
After the morning service and before the lunch, Liz’s family played and sang three songs and spoke on the significance of eighty as an especially memorable birthday.
Mum, Gran & grandchildren
It’s a case of help yourself
Family and friends settle to an excellent buffet lunch in a full room. We hesitate to show others eating because people focusing on their food often don’t appear photogenic - especially this writer!!! But it WAS a good time!

Ashingdon United Free Church

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