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Roche Art Group
Venue: St. Teresa’s Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings  (rear of St. Teresa’s Church, Ashingdon Rd)
For more information ring
John on 07933 263 930 or Gill  - 01702 421737.

Demonstration Evening of the Roche Art Group  - March 2014

Both got under way and the audience watched in rapt attention. From time to time each artist paused and turned to engage the audience with comments about what they were doing and then passed round their sketch books for people to view their sketch work while the main works were progressing. In answer to a question, Ian commented, always press on with a work even if you don’t know how it will turn out. A little earlier he had commented how doing this sort of thing made him nervous, and you never know, it could be a disaster. Prophetic words!

Now the conspiracy theorists among us might suggest that what followed was high drama and planned, but I wouldn’t dream of suggesting that. Suddenly Ian’s easel fell over and black acrylic paint went on his painting and on one of his shoes! Catastrophe! No way! The man is an artist! After the pandemonium of cleaning up had subsided, Ian simply carried on painting, and the end result is on the right (and larger below)

While waiting for layers of acrylic pain to dry, Ian spoke about some of his other work and the joys of painting and from time to time Sheila, with great sense of humour, turned and recounted various incidents in her career. Throughout the evening their notebooks passed around and challenged us to ‘have a go!’ A thoroughly engaging and enjoyable evening!


But then there were the end results. It looked so easy (but I know the truth) and thought, I really must take up a brush one of these days!  And if it goes wrong - keep going!


Yes, planned or otherwise, that was a good lesson. Thank you Ian and Sheila and thank you Roche Art group for inviting me! It was good to see the group still going strong and still full of warmth, enthusiasm and friendliness. Below, is Sheila’s work and below that Ian’s. I wish I could do that!

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