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Roche Art Group
This group meets in St. Teresa’s Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings  (to the rear of St. Teresa’s Church, Ashingdon Road) For more information ring
John on 07933 263 930 or Gill  - 01702 421737.

Roche Art Group’s Annual Exhibition 2013 (26th October 2013)

The Group’s annual exhibition and sale of paintings was held this year on the 26th October, led again by member, John Cowley. When the doors were opened at 10.00am on this bright but rainy day - and we got in before the crowds started filling the room - we were struck by the numbers (well over 60) and quality of paintings on display. This was an excellent exhibition. Not only were we warmly welcomed but we noted that each person entering the room was given an equally warm welcome. An impressive catalogue told us that there were refreshments available, tombola where you could win a picture (and we did!), demonstrations by members and an opportunity to have a go yourself.

In the ‘Gallery’ that follows we wish to apologise if ‘your’ work does not appear. Because the hall has very good natural lighting, it is in fact a nightmare for displaying works of art behind glass and as much as we would have liked to have displayed more works (we have 22 below) the problem of reflection made photographing some completely impossible and in the case of others very poor.

Apologies also to artists if we have taken liberties with your work (excluded the frame etc.) but we have sought to focus on your work to the exclusion of the surroundings and have once or twice even trimmed the work, simply because to overcome the reflection problem we had to shoot at an angle. We have done our poor best to convey something of the variety and shear quality of what we found at this year’s exhibition. In a display like this, we are also aware that we lose sense of size as well. Aware that people are often uncomfortable with photos of them appearing we have, with a little self-indulgence, captured the early minutes of the exhibition with our “Studies of Backs” and “Studies of Legs”.   Enjoy.
Annual Exhibition of the Roche Art Group  - October 2013
The Gallery