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The Square - “R.J.Yeo”
Jewellers & Watchmakers
Kenneth J Massow FIRV FGA DGA
R J Yeo
24 West Street, ROCHFORD, SS4 1AJ
Tel: 01702 544712
Talking with Alice Williams of Yeo’s   

Rochford Life: Alice, so how long have you been in this business?
Alice: Well, I kind of fell into it accidentally. I don’t think it ever occurred to me to do jewellery. When I went to school I was very good at art and English so I did art and design at College, but even coming out of College I don’t think I ever had a career route in mind. I worked with horses because they are my second love and bits and pieces of retail. I went past here one day, saw a sign in the window, and that was that and that was in 2003. Then I left to have my second son and Tracey took my positions, and then I came back afterwards       

RL: And you have the same qualifications?
Alice: Yes, that’s right. I do like doing it.  

RL: So what do you specialise in Alice?
Alice: Well we overlap because I did love geology at school, my second favourite after art and I’d love to do gemmology but it costs a bomb to do that exam about ten thousand pounds. There is an intermediate one that we’re thinking about in the future. It’s possible we might be able to get a grant.  It does pay off because if you get your gemmology and diamond grading you can then do valuations so there would be financial feedback eventually, in the long term. But it is a long term thing, which is why Ken, after forty odd years of doing it, he pretty much knows so much of what there is to know.   

RL: (I then ask them about the various rocks in Ken’s collection in the counter show case and they confidently tell me what all the stones are.  These enthusiasts then pull out a thick folder and show me part 2 of their current studies and reel off answers to an exam question I point out. I am impressed!)

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