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Waterman Primary

Waterman Primary School,  
The Boulevard, Rochford,

Head: Mrs.Welch
01702 546237
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Going to Work on an Egg
Wednesday 8th January 2014
As sure as eggs is eggs, something strange is going on at Waterman’s! If this reporter has got it wrong he’s going to get egg all over his face. I mean I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket and kill off this project in one go and I would be the last one to want to teach my grandmother to suck eggs and tell the school how to teach, but there are funny things going on here! Not being sure which part comes first and how to tackle this article I find I’m stuck with a chicken and egg situation. Waterman’s having been the source of many a good article, I’ve got to get this right otherwise I may kill off the goose that lays the golden egg. So there I am minding my own business when I hear - funny things have been happening at Waterman’s! The children have been in the grounds and found FOUR big, big blue eggs. Suspicious noises were heard in the night, bones and other materials were found near the eggs, the police are called in and the egg area cordoned off with police tape. Whatever is happening? A clue lies on the wall of Rose Class. (see right)

Even the children of Poppy Class, the youngest group in the school, are in on it and welcome me in to tell me about the eggs, but it’s the bones and the evidence in the ‘crime scene’ that make it scary....

Each class welcomes me in, the local reporter come to find out about the mysterious goings on here at this school....

Top of page

...but is it a secret, surely someone must know? Or is it just a new and clever way to stir young minds and the imagination. School wasn’t like this in my young day!

What will the children make of it?  Watch this space!

Answers coming in the next weeks!

THEIR answers we hope.

(exit with scary music from Jurassic Park)




PS. Even by the time I reached them, a class had been Googling “big blue eggs” .

As I said, school wasn’t like this when I was young!

...and more eggs....

...but everywhere I go there are eggs....