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Rochford Primary
Rochford Primary School,
6 Ashingdon Road, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1NJ
Head: Andy Howe
01702 544342
Saturday 26th March - Rochford Primary Launches out with its first Farmers’ Market

Continuing on around the room
(Left) By the far door we encounter Mrs. Holliday – nanny with grand-daughter Sophie. “All the seeds were donated by Sainsbury’s from the Sainsbury’s vouchers and the  ‘Let’s Grow’ Campaign, because the school is starting two allotments.”

But this soon turns into a bigger family group (right) so it’s now (from the right) Sue Brown of the PTA and who is responsible for the day, daughter Sophie (7) who is at the school, Nan, Cathy, supporting the school by selling the seeds, and niece Cloe (nearly 3!)
I can’t pass up an opportunity to get people talking.  I ask Sophie, “Do you like it here?” “Yes, because the teachers are nice and I like art and English and in the after school club I do gymnastics and on a Tuesday we sometimes do Family Fitness Club.” Good stuff!  
I ought to get Sue talking about the day: “the purpose of the Farmers Market is to get the school more involved in the local community because although we do gymnastics parties for the children, and anyone can hire out the hall for Gymnastics parties, and the school does get involved in lots of after-school activities, and we have the Wakey-Wakey Club for the children before school where they can do crafts or sport before school where parents have to go to work,  we want to get more involved in the local community, encourage local businesses and obviously raise money for the School  Fund.”
The other side of the far door (left), serving teas and coffees is Nicola Riley from the PTA – who has one child, in year one, 6 years old. What do you think about the School? “Love it! My daughter loves coming.” Why? “It’s just friendly and she loves all the teachers, loves running to school in the morning, can’t wait to get here.”

Just on from her is Janet Layland who lives in Rochford – and makes everything on her stand, and she’s only been doing it about a year and a half!   That’s impressive!  
are all things that are going on in the local area, to bring an awareness of what is going on in the community.”

Then we come to an activity corner where there are dozens of bead containers and children and parents are making Jewellery. This (right) is  ‘Made by Me’ – from Hawkwell – Claire Higgleton & Hazel Williams – “We teach children and adults to make jewellery and we do children’s jewellery parties – we all make our own jewellery and sell it by various means and then come together to teach other people to make it. It’s very therapeutic and the kids love it.”
Next along (left) we find Jane Baugh at Active Christian Trust – a parent support worker at the Warehouse Centre  in Rayleigh. Why are you here? “I’m here to support the school in order for them to be part of the community. The leaflets and posters that I’ve brought along
Working at the craft table (left) are family group with Mum, Louise Mills, son Michael (9)  who’s been in this school 6 years – (“I like the teachers,  Maths & ICT, PE, & Literacy”), and daughter Rebecca (5).

Before I leave I encounter the ‘management”team! This is Sue Brown of the PTA, who we met before and who is responsible for the day, Sonia Worthington – Chair of Governors  and Natasha Lagdon – chair of the PTA. I have a question that has been rumbling round in the back of my mind:
“Is it too close to the WI Farmer’s Market?  Is being the week before helpful?” I wonder out loud.  
It is Sonia who comes in with the answer: “I was heavily involved with the other Market because I was quite friendly with Maureen Vince who set it up with the Star Partnership, and until the Parish Council took it over, my husband and I helped to set it up and clear away afterwards, and there was no concern whatsoever about competition, because the fact is, you run these markets in the growing season and there is plenty of produce to go round. They perfectly complement each other because people go to the WI Hall on the first Saturday of each month and then maybe find different produce here. I approached the Parish Councillors and Sheila and John actually gave me the contact details for their Farmers Market that they hold and some of them couldn’t do it anyway and some were too far away so I’ve tried to get people more locally where possible. One of the suppliers pointed out that there was one in Hockley on the second Saturday of the month and so this will add some continuity around the district.”

Eventually I take my leave. It’s been a good morning with a good number of stalls with varied produce. Although there’s been a good turnout, I’m sure the school will be encouraging even more families to come along and enjoy the atmosphere and help support the school in this way, and as for the stall holders, I hope they went home with lighter loads and a feeling that it was a worthwhile day!

In the days to come we’ll be following up this event, bringing you interviews with staff, governors and PTA members as they allow us an insight into their school. Today it had a good feel, family and friendly, and I’m sure we’ll catch more of that in the months ahead.  

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