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Waterman Primary

Waterman Primary School,  
The Boulevard, Rochford,

Head: Mrs.Welch
01702 546237
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The Blue Eggs Mystery  - Reception & Year 1 & 2
(January/February 2014)

I get the call: “Do you want to see some work?” I am always interested in seeing some work. I have six grandchildren and I love their work. THE most fascinating thing about the stuff children do, is the way it develops. As Miss Brown showed me the work from the different classes and I saw the video clips that had been made, I laughed, “In a few year time you’ll go to King Edmunds and see some of these in big productions, I bet!”   

So let’s start with the Reception Class. Am I going to see anything at this age? Definitely! Eddie & Honey are my two top choices for appearing here:

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Continued on to the NEXT PAGE


On the next pages are the work of the other years. Below some more signs of work on an egg!

Next, below, in  Year 1 & 2 class, Lexie and Oliver grab my attention and so they are my top two. I like their excellent creatures.