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Waterman Primary

Waterman Primary School,  
The Boulevard, Rochford,

Head: Mrs.Welch
01702 546237
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Below is the Script produced by Year 3 & 4 class

Scene 1
NR1: Hello, and welcome to BBC News with Stevie Faetz and Keira Purdy.
NR2: Today’s headline is the mystery of the blue eggs.
NR1: The eggs were found at Waterman Primary school.
NR2: The children at Waterman Primary school have been researching about the magical eggs to see what they could find out.
NR1:We are here with Miss Welch now. How did you react when you found there were unusual eggs in your school garden?
Mrs Welch:  (scared) When I found out I was shocked. I didn’t realise how big the blue eggs were going to be. I phoned the police and a special scientist to make sure the area was safe. I called an emergency assembly to explain to the children what was going on.
NR1: That sounds very interesting. Luckily there was nothing to worry about, and it wasn’t bad. Now over to Tianna Omigie at Waterman Primary School to talk to some witnesses.

Scene 2
Reporter:I am here with some children from Waterman Primary school who heard some unusual noises last night. Thank you for your time. Tell me all you know about last night and this morning.
Witness 1: (scared) I heard scratching on my wall and door and when I went to feed my horse, in the distance I thought there was a lion.
Witness 2: (scared) I was in bed when I heard a funny sound. It sounded like an eagle.
Witness 3: I was feeding my horse and in the distance I heard a scratch at the bottom of the fence.
Reporter:  (happily) This is all we know so far. But someone has more to tell us. I will pass you over to him.
Witness 3: I also heard some squeaking under my bed, and I heard a scratch at the bottom of my bedroom door.
Reporter: So this is interesting, but no more at the moment. I will continue to collect information to find out the answer to this mystery. Back to the studio.

Scene 3
NR1: Thank you Tianna.
NR2:  Now we have Mr Vincent here, who is going to explain to us how he came across the eggs.
Mr Vincent: I was walking my dog Simba late last night when I saw a strange blue glow in the distance. I went over there to see what it was and discovered 4 big blue eggs in a nest, surrounded with bones and blood. Straight away I called Mrs Welch and told her and she came down right away. She was just as surprised as me.
NR1: Thank you Mr Vincent. Now back to Tianna Omigie with another update.

Scene 4
Reporter: I am here with some of the teachers at Waterman Primary school. Can you tell me your thoughts on this event?
Mrs LM:That was the biggest egg I have ever seen.
Miss H: Yeah, it’s big and blue. It is amazing.
Mrs A: Oh my gosh! I have never seen an egg like it!
Miss B: Mr V came up to me this morning and said a scientist was coming in to investigate what had happened.
Mrs A: I wonder where they came from. I was glad the scientist came to help us.
Miss H: I was really worried about what might be inside the eggs.
Mrs LM: I was very excited that something new had happened.
Miss B:  (scared) I wasn’t excited. I was scared that the eggs were in the school. Where did they come from?
Miss H: I think they came from aliens.
Mrs A: I think they came from Africa.
Mrs LM: Oh my gosh, it might be an eagle!
Reporter: Let’s find out what has happened from the scientist.

Scene 5
Reporter: I am here with PC AJ from Rochford Police, and Mr Starling, a local scientist. Can you please tell me what you found in your investigation?
Policeman: Last night, I got a phone call from Mr Vincent. He sounded very scared because he found something on the school field.
Reporter: What was it Mr Vincent found in the school field?
Policeman: He wasn’t too sure because it was so dark, so I said I would have a look in the morning.
Scientist: I also got a phone call last night from Mr Vincent who explain that he had found something mysterious, so I rushed over this morning to have a look.
Reporter: When you both arrived at the school, what did you discover?
Scientist: We found giant blue eggs sitting in a nest.
Policeman: We found bones with blood on and some footprints in the mud, so I taped off the area.
Scientist: I measured the footprints to try and discover which creature felt the eggs.
Policeman: I took statements from the children in the hall about what they heard last night. Then I went back to the station to investigate.
Scientist: When the police have finished, I will take the eggs back to my lab and figure out this mystery.
Reporter: Stay tuned for the conclusion.

Scene 6
Reporter: I also have with me some of the children from Waterman Primary. What are your thoughts about the events of today?
Child 1: This has been a very strange day because we found blue eggs in a nest.
Child 2: We had an emergency assembly and Mrs Welch took us outside to see the strange blue eggs.
Child 3: Mr Vincent was walking his dog Simba last night and then he found the big blue eggs.
Child 4: Near the nest we found bones which had blood on them.
Child 5: And we found some footprints in the mud.
Child 6: I hope they go away because we don’t know where they came from.
Child 1: Also, we don’t know what is in the eggs.
Child 2: I think it might be a dragon because of what we found out on the internet.
Child 3: These eggs are almost exactly the same as a Brachiosaurus egg.
Child 4: I think they are eagle’s eggs.
Child 5: I think it is an alien.
Child 6:  It has been a very unusual day.
Reporter: Thank you for your time. It sound like there is a lot more research to be done into this matter. Back to the studio.

Scene 7
NR1: That’s all we have for now.
NR2: We will be back with an update soon.
NR1 and 2: Goodbye.

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The Blue Eggs Mystery - Year 3 & 4  

Waterman Primary News Report

Wednesday 8th January 2014


News Reporter 1 Stevie Faetz

(NR1) Keira Purdy

News Reporter 2 Tianna Omigie

(NR2) Leah Wood

Reporter Tyler Salmon

Mrs Welch Angel Wheatland-Dowell

Mr Vincent Emily Lawrence

Witness 1 Levi Anderson

Witness 2 Aliesha Lowe

Witness 3 Jessica Watson

Mrs Le Marie Milly Anderson


(Mrs LM) Kayleigh Hicks

Miss Haskew Harry Seif

Mrs Appleton Alfie Neave-Houghting

Miss Brown Grace Willis

Policeman Lennon Barnes

Scientist Bradley Hales

Child 1 Luke Pindani

Child 2 Katie Dyer

Child 3 Justin Ford

Child 4 Tye Osman

Child 5 Archie Barry-Cox

Child 6 Raphael Lima

Other Children Taliya Hare Kye Elliott